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“They didn’t get along”, Cécile Chaduteau (Star Academy) absent because of tensions with another teacher?

As the new Star Academy season approaches, the composition of the teaching staff has been revealed by TF1. Cécile Chaduteau, the stage expression teacher, will not return. Because of internal tensions?

Screenshot Star Academy / TF1

The twelfth season of the Star Academy will begin on October 12, 2024 on TF1. Before this day, long awaited by fans of the program, the first channel revealed some information on this edition. We know that Clara Luciani will be the godmother of this promotion, succeeding Vitaa. As for the teaching staff, they suffered several changes This year. Adeline Toniutti, the singing teacher, gives her place to Sofia Morgavi, while Julien Doré and Lara Fabian will intervene as “exceptional teachers” during bonuses and in the castle. On the theater side, Hugues Hamelynck will replace Pierre de Brauer. For his part, Coach Joe has left his place to Ladji Doucouré to make the academicians sweat. Finally, Marlène Schaff, coach the previous season, is promoted stage expression teacher in place of Cécile Chaduteau.

Discover the possible reason for Cécile Chaduteau’s departure

According to information from the magazine Audience published on September 26, 2024, Cécile Chaduteau would have decided to leave the show because of tensions with one of his colleagues. Indeed, she would have had chemistry with Malika Benjelloun, the dance teacher. “They didn’t get alongeven if the images showed nothing“, a source close to the program told our colleagues. And added: “The strength of the production is to do everything so that the program remains a family and good mood program. But behind the scenes, as in everyday life, the disagreements are numerous“.

Marlène Schaff “delighted” to become a stage expression teacher

According to this informant, these unresolved disagreements would have accumulated, leading Cécile Chaduteau to stop her collaboration with TF1. “Those which opposed Malika and Cécile ended up growing, growing… and Cécile no longer felt like starting a season with elements that she don’t like“, revealed this source. Information which has, however, not been commented on by either of the two interested parties. In any case, this departure offers a great opportunity to Marlène Schaff. Replaced by Fanny Delaigue as coach alongside Lucie Bernardoni, she is enthusiastic about her new role as teacher of stage expression. “I am delighted to get involved in a different way with students (…) I can’t wait to show them my tools“, she said at a press conference.


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