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Nagui returns to a big scare after health examinations

Nagui is a workaholic. Viewers find him daily hosting Don’t forget the lyrics on 2, but he is also in charge of The soundtrack on France Inter radio every morning. Wednesday, September 25, the one who will soon host a prime time show Taratata dedicated to the 40th anniversary of Bercy received Bernard Campan in his show. The actor and member of Les Inconnus came to discuss the play Check up in which he plays a sixty-year-old who is brought to the hospital to undergo medical examinations. An opportunity for Nagui to share an anecdote that he is not ready to forget any time soon.

Very distressing medical examinations

Indeed, Nagui has recently also undergone several medical tests. He was then seized by anxiety before the results were announced, a moment that is always distressing. “We find ourselves in a situation, I don’t know if you’ve ever experienced it, where we are, surely with age, it’s not going to get any better. When you’ve done all your tests and you arrive in front of the doctor who’s going to read you the results, there’s this kind of suspense where you say: what is he going to tell me?“, Nagui reports on the station.

Nagui: “Deep down, I collapsed”

A small lump in his stomach that grew bigger when his doctor started talking. “He started off by pouting and saying: ‘There’s a real problem.’ And then, honestly, deep down I collapsed. I said to myself: ‘But what is he going to tell me?’“, he recalled. But in the end, more fear than harm for Nagui, whose doctor was somewhat teasing: “And the guy ends up telling me, because my doctor is not really a vegetarian […] : ‘I’m disappointed because your analyses are extremely good for a vegetarian and it annoys me. I’m even going to have to stop eating salmon!'” And Nagui concludes: “There, that was the joke“.


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