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Les 12 Coups de Midi: Emilien envied by the other candidates behind the scenes? He says, “It seems to me to be…”

Emilien is so strong in the 12 Midday Shotsthat in addition to breaking records on Jean-Luc Reichmann’s set, he doesn’t hesitate to save his own opponents from unfair elimination. And when, for once, it’s him who risks defeat, he can count on his lucky star to miraculously stay in the game.

Unfortunately, such unprecedented performances do not make everyone happy. On social networks, more and more Internet users are calling for his departure, admitting to being tired of seeing him win. A burdensome situation for the candidate? Not really. As he recently admitted, the critics are going over his head today.

Emilien, envied or admired behind the scenes?

It must also be said that the atmosphere outside the Internet would be very different. According to his words, his own competitors in The 12 Blows – who might logically be the first to get annoyed by his successes, would always be very nice to him behind the scenes. Asked by Here is on his relationship with the other candidates, Emilien notably admitted: “There are no specific questions. [de leur part]. It’s always very nice“. And then added: “It’s going very well with the candidatesas with everyone“.

Moreover, if Emilien often seems reserved on the TF1 set, he nevertheless assures that he is the first to approach the other candidates as soon as he has the opportunity.I have more or less time depending on the candidates, the days, depending on a lot of things. It depends, but I always try to meet the candidates before or afterhe assured. It seems to me to be the minimum.“.

A true champion’s soul for the Master of the South whose career must inspire more than one.


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