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Guy Jodoin confirms having reached millionaire status

Few celebrities dare to discuss the subject of money publicly, but Guy Jodoin decided to break this taboo during his appearance on the podcast Take a Break.

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In a discussion that sounded like a conversation between friends, the host revealed that he was a millionaire… but not a multimillionaire!

Surprised himself by this spontaneous confession, he justified himself by emphasizing everything he has accomplished over the years: “But, can you imagine everything I’ve done!” Active in the Quebec entertainment industry since the 90s, Guy Jodoin has had many roles on television, in film and in theatre, while hosting several shows on television and radio.

“In our business, money can come in quickly,” he explains. “What allowed me to reach this million is the animation. That’s what brings in the most money, because we film five shows a day, twenty a week.”

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Indeed, with his show The Cheaterhe has been a constant figure on the small screen for 12 years. Last December, he celebrated the 2000e episode of this hit show — quite an achievement!

So it is clear that Guy Jodoin did not steal his million.

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Rather than seeing it as a form of bragging, he hopes that this revelation will serve as inspiration and encourage people to believe in their own ambitions. Because in Quebec, it is indeed possible to succeed financially!

Watch or rewatch Guy Jodoin’s appearance at Take a break:



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