Saturday January 25 in the evening, Camille Cerf revealed in an Instagram story to support Ebony during the final of the Star Academy. An opinion which has earned him numerous criticisms from his subscribers. The day after the events, the former Miss reacted to the wave of criticism she received.
Like many viewers, on Saturday January 25 evening, Camille Cerf attentively followed the final of the Star Academy. If it was Marine who succeeded Pierre Garnier by winning the last season (with nearly 65% of the votes), the former beauty queen revealed in an Instagram story that she had supported Ebony – for whom she voted at numerous times. A position which unfortunately caused her to be targeted by Internet users who, in her private messages, were numerous to criticize her for the fact that she did not support a personality who, like her, was from from Nord-Pas-de-Calais.
Criticized by Internet users, Camille Cerf explains her vote
This January 26 on her Instagram account, Camille Cerf shared a compilation of the criticism she received from Internet users, with the mention: “My DMs because I said I preferred Ebony.” According to her statements, the former Miss France did not vote for Marine only because the young woman was from the same region as her. “I still hope that for my election, you voted for me because you found that I deserved it and not just for my region…“, she lamented in another story, before recalling: “And preferring one does not mean disliking the other.“
-Camille Cerf distraught in the face of criticism: “I would have tried“
Faced with the numerous remarks made by her subscribers, Camille Cerf tried to respond to some of them. And faced with the argument of one of them, Miss France 2015 thus justified her preference for Ebony. Explaining that she didn’t “called to vote for or against anyone.” “I just shared my opinion“, she defended herself. An opinion which did not please this famous subscriber who then continued to reprimand her. But faced with her interlocutor visibly ready to fight, the former Miss no longer responded and shared the content of this conversation in story.Well… I would have tried. I can’t do anything for this kind of case.“, she concluded, visibly annoyed.
Article written in collaboration with 6Médias.