Before the blockbusters, the historic double nomination at the Oscars, the red carpets around the world, the thousands of fans, the 11 million dollar villa in Los Angeles shared with the influencer Kylie Jenner, Timothée Chalamet had other ambitions. When he was still a child, the Franco-American had a strong idea of his future profession. And it wasn't an actor…
“At 12, he had plans to become a professional footballer,” revealed his father, Marc Chalametin the columns of Parisiana newspaper for which he works from Los Angeles. “He kicked his ball, alone, in the courtyard of the building, for hours,” he remembered. But one day, Timothée resigned himself “seeing that he did not have the level”. “He had the wisdom not to be stubborn,” praised his father.
Bob Dylan praises the acting talents of Timothée Chalamet, who plays him in a biopic
Bob Dylan dubbed Timothée Chalamet to play him on the big screen, in the film A complete stranger.
-Absolute fan of the Saint-Étienne club
Timothée Chalamet's passion for football was no secret. His favorite club? AS Saint-Étienne. Supporter of the Saint-Etienne team, the young man enjoyed watching matches – interspersed with viewing sessions of The Big Mop – when he was on vacation with his grandparents, in Chambon-sur-Lignon, in Haute-Loire, his father shared.
Such a fan of the Greens that he one day chased his favorite team. Determined to get his autograph, he got on his bike to follow them to the Belleau Hotel where the players were staying. “I followed the team up there,” he confided to the microphone of Views. “Dimitri Payet… It was this generation of ASSE players,” he remembered. “I’m a big fan of Saint-Étienne. Probably the team I support the most in the world, more than the New York Knicks [équipe de basket, ndlr] » But his ambitious undertaking did not bring him the coveted autograph: “I think I just followed them…”