During the weekend (from Friday March 17 to Sunday March 19, 2025), the Haute-Vienne gendarmes carried out checks on the various roads in the department. Like every weekend, the number of offenses is high despite the numerous safety instructions and various prevention actions.
Speed and driving under the influence of drugs are still as numerous as ever. Fear of the uniform no longer seems to dampen the trend. Controls should be intensified in the coming days.
58 infections noted
– 9 speeding
– 1 driving under the influence of alcohol
– 5 driving under drugs
– 1 lack of driving license
– 1 lack of insurance
– 4 use of the phone while driving
– 37 various offenses
Immediate retention of 8 licenses
During this weekend, 8 drivers had their driving licenses immediately withheld.
-(Photo credit: Haute-Vienne Gendarmerie)