Donald and the Scrooges… sorry billionaires

Donald and the Scrooges… sorry billionaires
Donald and the Scrooges… sorry billionaires

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They were still out. Discreet (secret?), invited by their host from the same caste as them, they were unable to avoid the bombardment of cameras, media cameras competing with them for the sharing of power, that of being as close as possible to the icon, to touch it, smell it and, incidentally, remember its good memories when it comes to enlarging their share of the pie. It is now accepted that at each large-scale event, of international scope, whatever its very nature, (remember the ceremony for the reopening of Notre Dame), they must be there, present, draped in their dignity, impassive. Despite appearances, their place for one evening did not necessarily cost them very much. It's an investment some will say, it's a compromise others will say. One thing is certain, they are no longer hiding and that is how we recognize them.

They are the billionaires.

Become masters of illusion. that of making people believe that their success in business is solely due to their genius (bad?), today they have the real masters of power, the power necessary to consolidate their supremacy over the remaining 99% of the population.

It does not matter that said success is based on the exploitation of the labor of others, it does not matter that the Laws were shaped for them and by them in order to better increase their fortune, it does not matter that social inequalities have reached an indecent level, they are power.

And from this point of view, I'm afraid that Donald, surrounded by all these Scrooges, is just an illusion for the Americans who voted for him. The mixing of different powers is not a good thing and unbalances democracy. It's a contradiction that constantly swirls in my head: here is a man elected on the basis of populism, and therefore with the votes of those without ranks, of those without teeth, as Hollande would say, those very people who suffer the full brunt of the violence of the Wall Street financiers and who are cleverly manipulated and dubbed their own executioner.

The executive power combined with the private financial power itself controlling the media power will agree to define the legislative framework and deliver justice. We are a long way from Montesquieu’s separation of powers.

So you tell me, it's the Americans' problem. And after all, it’s well known, these Americans are idiots. From our old Europe, we see them stupid, uneducated, barely knowing their history or their geography, obese rednecks, puffed up with crass arrogance, corrupted by the only religion that is worth it, the dollar. So easily manipulated. Well done for them. Let's be wary of this kind of caricature. We are not necessarily far from this bad portrait.


So am I anti-billionaire? Us, not in the least. But I have a hard time accepting the idea of ​​the arsonist firefighter. Here are Amazons, Ubers, Teslas, whose predatory economic model has cannibalized our own economy, putting pressure on our authorities to adapt the laws in their direction and in fact raking in billions of dollars immediately going back to the US and then, magnanimously , and a bit condescending giving back to us in the form of a mite, what was stolen from us.

They voted and we must respect their vote. Alright. But let us recognize that in a tense international context, contrary to what is sold to us here and there, the reasons to believe in an improvement following Trump's return to power are very slim. The subjects of opposition to American hegemony are numerous. Diplomatic with the desire for expansion clearly displayed in Panama, Greenland, and Canada for the moment. Economical because the libertarianism to which the former real estate agent has recently joined aims neither more nor less than protectionism and aggression towards these former partners.

There remains the only positive and significant point to which we can give any credit to the ghost: having broken Wokism and initiating a return to the fundamental values ​​of our civilization.

Patriotic friendships


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