Disgusted Teddy Riner: his rant message – Journal des Femmes

Disgusted Teddy Riner: his rant message – Journal des Femmes
Disgusted Teddy Riner: his rant message – Journal des Femmes

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  1. Teddy Riner disgusted: his rant message Journal des Femmes
  2. Budget: Teddy Riner in the lead, the drop in sports spending does not please the Olympic champions News
  3. Budget 2025: the sports envelope reduced by 34 million euros, a regional advisor from the Center Val de is indignant here, the media of local life
  4. INTERVIEW. Joël Bruneau, deputy for : “We must simplify the governance of sport in ” Ouest-France
  5. Funding for sport: the Senate refuses to increase spending cuts and drains SNU funds Le Monde

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