Jennifer Garner is deeply saddened after the death of a friend who perished due to the Los Angeles fires. Unlike those of many celebrities such as Paris Hilton, Adam Brody or Laetitia Hallyday, Jennifer Garner’s house was not consumed by the fires. Ben Affleck’s ex-wife, on the other hand, mourns the death of a friend who was unlucky like the dozen deaths deplored by the media. While she volunteered to help the victims on the website of World Central Kitchenthe 52-year-old actress gave a brief, but poignant interview to MSNBC.
Jennifer Garner in mourning: her friend didn’t get out in time
Jennifer Garner helped the victims of Pacific Palisades when she was questioned by a journalist from MSNBCas reported Madame FigaroJanuary 11, 2025. Ben Affleck’s ex then revealed that he had lost a close friend who couldn’t get out in time. The mother of Violet, 19, Seraphina, 16, and Samuel, 12, spoke of the death of one of her loved ones, saying: “I lost a friend, she said. She is not not out on time“. While she did not reveal the identity of her friend, she showed that she was deeply affected by the terrible news and asked to end the discussion.
Jennifer Garner in mourning: Ben Affleck took refuge at her home
The beautiful brunette revealed that she knows a lot of friends (…)
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