Matthieu Delormeau: the day he admitted on “TPMP” to being under the influence of “much more sneaky drugs”

Matthieu Delormeau: the day he admitted on “TPMP” to being under the influence of “much more sneaky drugs”
Matthieu Delormeau: the day he admitted on “TPMP” to being under the influence of “much more sneaky drugs”

This Tuesday, Le Parisien revealed that the former columnist of TPMP and television presenter, Matthieu Delormeau was taken into custody yesterday after being arrested while buying drugs. in front of his house in Paris.

His apartment was then searched and investigators found cocaine, cannabis herb as well as small quantities of MDMA and GHB. Matthieu Delormeau did not have any drugs on him but had a sum of 300 euros. At the end of his police custody, he was summoned to a therapeutic injunction, again according to information from Le Parisien.

In the past, Matthieu Delormeau had revealed his addiction to sport.

Matthieu Delormeau: “I felt beautiful and strong”

February 23, 2022, live on the set of Do not touch My TVCyril Hanouna’s friend then spoke of his addiction and his depression. We’re talking about very hard drugs, but there are much more insidious drugs. I think for example, it’s quite simple, but I did a lot of sport every day. I felt very, very good.« he had declared. Before continuing: « The beginning of my depression was one day, I had an accident and I couldn’t continue to do sports and that’s when I became aggressive, anxious and stuff. I completely fell apart ” he confided.

That evening, the professor and addiction specialist Laurent Karila, who very often appears as an expert with Faustine Bollaert on France 2, was also present on set; he was not surprised by these statements.

“It’s in the behavioral register. There are addictions to drugs and there are addictions to behaviors, sex, sports, food, etc. Everything we do, it makes us happy. Did you love doing sports? In your head, it was total bliss.”. Comments confirmed by the main person concerned: ” I felt beautiful, strong. » “There is a phenomenon of tolerance, like when you take drugs. At some point, it stops and so there is a withdrawal syndrome. And there is the free fall,” explained the specialist.



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