Elie Semoun (60 years old) speaks frankly about the situation in France, “When I take the metro, I…

Elie Semoun (60 years old) speaks frankly about the situation in France, “When I take the metro, I…
Elie Semoun (60 years old) speaks frankly about the situation in France, “When I take the metro, I…

By Clémence T

– Published on 02 Jul 2024 at 14:45

Elie Semoun is not the type to mince his words. Very frank, the 60-year-old comedian revealed what he thought about the current state of France.

France is living a historic moment. After dissolving the National Assembly on June 9th upon discovering the result of the National Rally in the European elections, Emmanuel Macron has, in fact, organized legislative elections. The first round, which took place this Sunday, June 30th, saw the RN come out on top with 29.25% of the vote followed by the New Popular Front (27.99%) and then the presidential party (20.04%). Something that, as for many people, should not please Elie Semoun. The second round is scheduled for this weekend, July 7th.

Many personalities speak out

It’s no secret. Several public figures have expressed their opinion on the sidelines of the legislative elections. This is particularly the case of Kylian Mbappé who assured that our country is “in a crucial moment”. And to continue: “We are a generation that can make a difference. The extremes are at the gates of powerwe have the opportunity to choose the future of our country. I call on all young people to go and vote, to become aware of the importance of the situation”The same goes for Aya Nakamura, who unfortunately got demolished after the meteoric rise of the RN.

These old words of Elie Semoun which echo current events

This situation in France echoes previous comments by Elie Semoun. In an interview with TV Mag Le Figaro in 2015, the comedian made a sad observation about our country. “I find that society is extremely violent. I feel attacked: Unfortunately we live in a country of racists.. Now it seems clear to me and it shocks me. In fact, what scares me is stupidity: mine and that of others.”he assured at the time.

“Little by little, these demagogic ideas which advocate that foreigners are dangerous have infiltrated French society. In 1982-1983, all the intellectuals rose up against these ideas, and twenty years later, we see that they have completely become commonplace. People are no longer ashamed to go on TV with an uncovered face to say: ‘Yes, I vote for the National Front’, ‘Yes, I think there are too many Arabs’, ‘Yes, I think the Muslim religion is a dangerous religion'”.

Elie Semoun: “I am desperate”

Another thing also afflicts Elie Semoun. And this time, it has nothing to do with politics. Invited onto the set of En aparté, the 60-year-old comedian, who also confided in his autistic son, expressed his concern about the behavior of the French when faced with new technologies. “I’m not the only one who’s addicted. When I take the subway, I experience something very hurtful, vexing for a guy like me. It’s that no one recognizes me because everyone is on their cell phones”he confided. Then adding with a certain dismay: “I’m desperate to see all these people who are like me, addicted to their cell phones. It’s mind-blowing. I could come naked on the subway and no one would see me!” Will Elie Semoun try the experiment?



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