Marc Lavoine’s incredible Parisian apartment that he is careful not to share with Adriana Karembeu (for now)

Marc Lavoine’s incredible Parisian apartment that he is careful not to share with Adriana Karembeu (for now)
Marc Lavoine’s incredible Parisian apartment that he is careful not to share with Adriana Karembeu (for now)

Both newly single, Adriana Karembeu52 years old, and Marc Lavoine61 years old, form the most unexpected couple of this early summer… Their relationship was revealed a few days ago by Paris Matchphotos to prove it, and for the moment, it’s hard to predict where this romance will take them. Well, yes. In Marrakech, Morocco, where Adriana owns a magnificent luxury residence and where the new couple seems to have gone to recharge their batteries. And in the heart of Paris, in the Saint-Germain-des-Prés district, where the singer has lived for years.

Marc Lavoine lives in the heart of Paris

End of 2022, in the podcast LessonMarc Lavoine had revealed that he lived in an apartment located in the 5th arrondissement with his eldest son, Simon, born in 1986 from his relationship with Denise Pascal. It was shortly after the latter’s death, in 2017, that the singer had asked him to come and live with him. He had just separated from Sarah Poniatowski after 23 years of marriage. He had chosen to set up shop in the heart of Paris, “between the Seine and Place Maubert”as he specified in Figaro Magazine and 2018. And 2022, Paris Match described his apartment as “a lovely bazaar organized a stone’s throw from the Petit Journal, a formerly popular jazz club”.

He grew up in Paris suburbshe was a high school student then a young apprentice actor in the capital, but “I didn’t know the neighborhood wellhe explained to the Figaro Magazine. It was the memory of my 15th birthday, when my brother worked on rue Madame. And I was afraid that it had become a little too touristy, But in the end, it’s not so bad. You hear so many languages ​​being spoken that you become a bit of a tourist yourself. On a lifelong vacation, you could say.”

Marc Lavoine’s good addresses

During this interview, the interpreter of I have forgotten everything took the opportunity to share some good addresses in his neighborhood. The bakery where he goes to taste the best croissants in the world, according to him., La Maison d’Isabelle (best croissant in the capital in 2018, editor’s note); its vegetarian canteen, Le Grenier de Notre Dame… But will Marc Lavoine and Adriana Karembeu live under the same roof? Not so sure… According to Here isthe musician currently shares “his apartment with his son Roman, 17, he prefers to live his love life outside. So it was at the hotel that they sheltered their love…



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