Lou very upset with the production of Secret Story, she lets go

Lou very upset with the production of Secret Story, she lets go
Lou very upset with the production of Secret Story, she lets go

Today at 7:30 PM – by
Sophie Bongart

If fans of Secret Story followed with great attention the stories that revolved around the trio Lou, Maxence and Perrine, the finalist deplores that her adventure is reduced to this love triangle. She reveals everything in an interview.

The Secret Story contestants have resumed their lives since the finale, which took place on June 18. Alexis, the winner of the 2024 edition, is considering moving to Belgium with his partner Zoé, whom he met in the Secret House. While Maxence and Lou ultimately got together to enjoy a stay together, Lou chose to express herself about her experience via a video posted on TikTok. The 21-year-old finalist answered the twenty most relevant questions from viewers. Although she has not yet watched the episodes, she recognizes herself in the videos posted on social media and revealed a surprising anecdote about Kelyan’s secret.

Lou disappointed by the emphasis on the love triangle in the editing

During his adventure Secret Story, Lou was involved in a love triangle with Perrine and Maxence. Maxence was playing a double game with the two young women.and they only discovered the truth at the end of the game. Perrine learned that Maxence was flirting with Lou at the same time as he was kissing her, at the time of his elimination. Lou, for her part, knew that Maxence and Perrine were flirting, but was unaware that it had already started when he made declarations to her, which was a shock for her. In an interview published on TikTok, the young woman admitted to regretting that the production puts the love triangle forward too often. “For me, it was only 10% of my adventure, so when I came out, I was surprised to see how much it had grown.”, she explained, adding that she had “got” to talk about this subject in the confessional.

Lou reconciled with Perrine? She finally answers

While watching the daily shows, Lou was disillusioned when he saw the editing of the show: It was a bit of a disservice to me because I realized that I had the image of the jealous person. […]. When I left, I got a slap in the face. Honestly, it pissed all three of us off.” Despite everything that happened in the house, Léo’s false twin sister decided to take a step back and forgive both Maxence and Perrine. “After our famous finale, we were able to talk quietly. We were the turkeys of the farce, but not meanly either, we were also able to tell each other that the adventure had made us enter into a whirlwind. Now everything is fine for Perrine and me.“, a-she clarified.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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