Valerie Trierweiler atomizes Jordan Bardella

Valerie Trierweiler atomizes Jordan Bardella
Valerie Trierweiler atomizes Jordan Bardella

It’s a comparison that made Valérie Trierweiler jump. For several months now, Jordan Bardella has changed his look. As Le Nouvel Obs explained last May, “Retirees find him to be a ‘new Chirac'”The leader of the National Rally, on the verge of power after the first round of early legislative elections, is playing on this “resemblance”. Particularly at the capillary level “by combing back her hair”. If he cultivates this physical resemblance, Jordan Bardella has nothing to do with Jacques Chirac for some. Invited on the airwaves of RTL This Sunday, June 30, Valérie Trierweiler tailored a suit to the leader of the National Rally. “The comparison with Chirac, she really stops at the slicked back hair. That’s all, said the former journalist. Because Chirac had attended the ENA, he had done fieldwork, he had files too, but anyway. (…) He knew France, he had felt ‘the cows’ asses in Corrèze’. I’m not sure that’s the case for Jordan Bardella.”

A man “who doesn’t know how to do anything outside of his files”

While the RN came out on top in the first round, with 33.15% of the vote, or more than 10.6 million voters, Valérie Trierweiler is worried. “I fear that voters will quickly be disappointed. Especially since, until now, who has made major social reforms? It’s the left, nothing but the left.”added the former partner (…)

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