Josette Arrigoni, who inspired the character of Arlette in Ten Percent, has died at 93

Today at 6:00 p.m. – by
Laetitia Today

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This Sunday, June 30, Dominique Besnehard announced the disappearance of Josette Arrigoni at the age of 93. The artistic agent inspired the role of Arlette Azémar in the series Ten percent.

Josette Arrigoni, famous talent agent, died on June 1, 2024 at the age of 93. Dominique Besnehard shared the bad news this Sunday June 30 on his Facebook page. She inspired the character of Arlette Azémar in the series Ten percent. “Josette Arrigoni, who knew the Artmedia agency at its beginnings, has left us. With her, it is the whole history of the talents of this institution, with its secrets, its anecdotes, its joys, its dramas that abandon us to join the path of peace and eternal happiness. She was a damn good woman, very honest, hardworking like no other. Attentive to the actors who loved her enormously”, wrote the producer to pay tribute to him. “I am happy to have worked with her and also very touched that she agreed to be the first witness of our book written in collaboration with Nedjma Van Egmond: A History of French Cinema”Dominique Besnehard recalled his friendship with Josette Arrigoni.

Josette Arrigoni inspired the role of Arlette Azemar in the series Ten percent

Josette Arrigoni was a legend in the film industry. She played the role of Arlette Azemar in the series Ten percent, which we find in all four seasons, from 2015 to 2020. It was the actress Liliane Rovère who had the honor of playing her features on screen. Produced by Dominique Besnehard, who worked in the Artmedia agency which inspired the ASK agency, the series has won numerous awards. In 2021, Ten percent won the Best Comedy Award at the Emmy Awards in the United States.

Josette Arrigoni has worked with big names in French cinema

Josette Arrigoni had worked with the greatest. Secretary of the actor Gérard Philipe in the Artmedia agency, she had made a name for herself in the world of cinema. She was the agent of Annie Girardot, Jean Rochefort and even Pierre Mondy, the famous actor of the series The Cordiers, judge and cop, died in 2012.

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