“The French? They have always been…

“The French? They have always been…
“The French? They have always been…

By Elsa Girard-Basset | Web journalist

Jokes and mockery have (too) often made us forget a reality that is nevertheless indisputable in : Jean-Claude Van Damme can be damn proud of the journey he has accomplished, having gone from his native Belgium to the lights of Hollywood. Aware of not always being presented in its best light in France, does JCVD ​​hold a grudge against the French? His opinion of them is clear.

A true star of action cinema from the 1990s, Jean-Claude Van Damme continues to multiply projects at the age of 64. Always in great physical shape, and full of desire, the Brussels resident has ultimately not changed over the years. His personality apart? He assumes it, without trying to disguise himself. And too bad for the smirks and the jokes.

Indeed, in France perhaps even more than elsewhere, the actor and martial arts expert has often been viewed with a certain condescension because of his offbeat, even sometimes crazy, interviews. Enough to weaken the link between Van Damme and France? Not particularly, and it was the main person himself who clarified things.

Jean-Claude Van Damme does not blame the French

In an interview with Première, JCVD ​​paid tribute to the French, who, according to him, were decisive in his career:

Yes, the French have always been really nice to me, they love me a lot. They are the ones who made Bloodsport successful while in Belgium it was shot down by everyone! In , the film was a hit! It was supposed to be released on video everywhere, but the boss of Metropolitan Films, a great guy, had bought it for France and he insisted on releasing it in theaters. Big success, and bam, it launched my career!

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However, it is difficult not to mention the numerous mockeries to which Van Damme was subjected. Relaunched on this subject, the actor took things with a certain height:

Yeah, well, pfff… When I explained in 2001, on French sets, that we would soon all be watching films on our phones, well, they made fun of me a little. No problem… People were already making fun of me when I was little because I wasn't very good-looking, not comfortable…

People said: “Little Jean-Claude, he's as short-sighted as a mole, with his hair on his tongue, no girl looks at him…” Besides, this physical transformation is crazy, I always have trouble believe it. You would see me small, you would not recognize me. I'm going to send you some photos, you'll have a hard time recognizing me.

And to those who would mock his way of speaking French, JCVD ​​justifies himself in his own way:

When I speak French, if I sometimes think about my words, it's because I live between Los Angeles and Hong Kong, and my mother tongue was Flemish. Sentences that are logical to me are perhaps illogical for French grammar!

Rather than the mockery of which he was the object, and of which he is aware, Jean-Claude Van Damme prefers to retain the support of the French public. A way of being positive, all in honor of the Belgian, who still remains today one of the most misunderstood figures of French-speaking cinema of the last 40 years.



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