Pascal Praud's heartbreaking tribute after the death of his father

Pascal Praud's heartbreaking tribute after the death of his father
Pascal Praud's heartbreaking tribute after the death of his father

The journalist and presenter of CNews is in mourning. Absent from the channel since October 24, he spoke in the columns of Sunday newspaper on the disappearance of his father which occurred at the end of the week.

The flagship journalist of CNews has been absent from the channel since the evening of October 24, suggesting a personal problem. Pascal Praud had simply concluded his broadcast “Heure des pros” that very morning with a somewhat enigmatic message. “We will probably meet again next week and we will have a thought right now for all those who miss us”he declared, trying to mask his confusion.

It was only this Sunday in his weekly JDD column that Pascal Praud revealed the object of his sadness and his absence in recent days: his father died. “Our family was waiting for this death. I thought I was “prepared”, according to a stupid phrase we say to convince ourselves that everything will be fine. I was wrong”he admitted sincerely. Indeed, his father, Roger Praud, aged 90, had lived for almost a year in an EHPAD in . “A stroke in 2005 disrupted his body and mind. He was never the same again.”detailed the presenter. It was after a long process that Pascal Praud's mother, who had played the role of caregiver until then, finally agreed to have her husband placed in a retirement home.

“I remember car journeys, whether short or long, moments without words, limitless laughter and unclouded harmony. It was good. »

Pascal Praud, in tribute to his father

“My father didn’t say a word the last fourteen days of his life. He received the sacrament of the sick. He was sleeping. Only once did he open his eyes, when my daughter Morgane kissed him. He came out of sleep for a few seconds.added Pascal Praud, delivering on paper a piece of his family intimacy. And to continue: “The decision was made on Sunday October 13 to no longer feed him or hydrate him. I write these words that twist my heart. “But then he will die of hunger and thirst?” We asked the doctors. They set up a “deep and continuous sedation” until death.” An experience which echoes for the journalist the debate about the end of life.

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“I write these words to extend the time we were together”he declared before unwinding the thread of memories: “I remember car journeys, whether short or long, moments without words, limitless laughter and unclouded harmony. It was good.” And if the CNews journalist insisted on honoring his column in the JDD, he will not return to the channel straight away. As announced by an obituary published in Ouest , the funeral will take place on Tuesday October 29 at 10:30 a.m., at the Saint-Similien church in Nantes.




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