EXCLUDED Xavier Delarue: His divorce from Tatiana, his sons, his love life… He tells us everything!

EXCLUDED Xavier Delarue: His divorce from Tatiana, his sons, his love life… He tells us everything!
EXCLUDED Xavier Delarue: His divorce from Tatiana, his sons, his love life… He tells us everything!

On the occasion of the promotion of his show Origin (performed on June 14, 20 and 28, 2024 at the Le République theater), Xavier Delarue gave an interview to Purepeople. The opportunity to look back on his adventure in Secret Story or even his eviction from Mysteries of love. He also mentioned his former union with Tatiana or his sons Newt (2 and a half years old, fruit of his love affair with the beautiful blonde) and Juwan (born from a former relationship).

Your story with Tatiana ended unfortunately. Can you tell us more?

I think everything has been said. Today, we are the happy parents of Newt which is the conclusion of our story, but the beginning of our co-parenting story. We are very discreet about that. It’s something we’ve talked about at length. We’re on the same wavelength now. He is doing very well. He will return to kindergarten at the start of the school year. We had a twenty-year history with Tatiana. I am proud that we are still balanced after all this media experience, all this media hype. It’s not easy being a media couple. We took hits. We had to manage the good and bad emotions. There are more complications than beautiful things. Even when you’re down, you have to put on a good face. And you always have to be on top, at the forefront of fashion, you have to film everything etc. At some point it tired me and I think it did too. Today, we are happy to live our lives as we wish.

There were rumors of infidelity. How did you experience it?

At that point, it was a bit complicated. Above all, it was unfounded, nothing had happened. Plus, I was already separated at that point. I didn’t speak at the time because I didn’t know what to say. I received a barrage of incredible insults. The most complicated thing too is seeing actor friends no longer talk to me. Everyone disappears, everyone stays in their shell for fear of speaking. Today, we are in an omerta of silence. But I am a righteous person. I sorted everything out privately. Then I made a smart denial. If it happened like that, it was meant to happen. I have no regrets, it allowed me to see people’s real personalities. And it’s by taking blows that you learn.

Are you on good terms with Tatiana?

Yes because we are two intelligent people. Even if there was a moment when there was tension, which is normal in a separation, I am happy because it ends in a correct and respectful way. You have to tell yourself that there is a child and that you have to protect him, make him grow up as he should.

How has your son changed your life?

Newt definitely calmed me down. I even believe that it gave me the strength to go further. He gives me joy. There’s everything to build around a baby, it’s super cool. I’m a father hen. He sleeps with me, he does everything with me when I have custody of him. But from time to time, he has to learn to manage his frustration.

So you made the decision not to exhibit it?

I have never exposed my children. The first one is a bit special, because he didn’t grow up with me. We really picked up the pieces when he turned 18. Today, he is 23, we have been seeing each other regularly for five years. He also does everything with me, even if he doesn’t live in the Paris region. He’s not someone who is consumed by social media or television, which gives him a certain perspective on what I do. And Newt for the moment, there are no plans to highlight him on social networks. Afterwards, I think that if one day one of us wants to put it on our social networks, it will be done by mutual agreement.

How do you organize Newt’s care with Tatiana?

He lives with his mother and I see him on weekends. We live in the same area, even if we are not in the same city.

Part of the public learned a year ago that you had another son, named Juwan. “What a long way we have come over the past 20 years. I’m happy to have you with me today so that we can never be separated again“, you wrote on Instagram. What happened?

It’s the story of a young man who has a child with his first lover. I stayed with his mother for seven years. I was 23 years old. But we broke up like that. I was young, ambitious, I was in the middle of a sporting career. His mother was not at all in the same mood as me. Juwan arrived, he’s a baby of love too, but our paths separated. I went into another dynamic. I haven’t thought about it like I could today. It’s one of the things that I explain a little in my show too. When Juwan came back into my life, it happened slowly. The photo that I posted with his little brother Newt was a reconciliation of my life, of my flesh. It was to say that this will never happen again. I wasn’t up to par in the first part of my first boy’s life. But I’m not ashamed to say it, I own it.

How did your reunion go?

I always said I would message him when he turned 18. I knew where he was, I always had an eye on him. So I wrote to him. Then we talked. I think he wanted to know if it was sincere feedback. We saw each other and hugged each other without speaking. It was a very beautiful moment. It was a period when things were not going well. We were coming out of a Covid period, I was divorcing… I wanted to put authenticity back into my life and return to values which are mine. Far from the rhinestones and glitter, reconnect with my family. That’s what I did, I’m very close to my family now. When my father left, it gave me a hard time. There are people who become depressed because of this. But I had the strength to get up, telling myself that I couldn’t sink.

What is his relationship with Newt?

They are the two brothers, they have the same face (laughs). When I can, I make sure he’s there when I have Newt. It is important. We have to explain to them who they are, because you have to know where you come from to know who you are. Juwan loved being reunited with his West Indian family. He lived with his mother in an environment that did not necessarily resemble him. This is what I explain in my show: you are neither black nor white, your ass is between two chairs. What do we do with it? How do we explain it? This is what I explain to my elder. And Newt will understand it naturally.

Have you found love since?

(Laughs). Yes, I found it. This person is not known.

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