“He is twenty years younger, but…” Stéphane Bern talks about his age difference with his companion Yori Bailleres

“He is twenty years younger, but…” Stéphane Bern talks about his age difference with his companion Yori Bailleres
“He is twenty years younger, but…” Stéphane Bern talks about his age difference with his companion Yori Bailleres

While he has been in perfect love with Yori Bailleres for several years, Stéphane Bern confided in 50mn InsideSaturday May 25, on this unexpected relationship at a time when he had lost hope of one day falling in love again.

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However, he thought he would never know love again… Although famous for being the “mister heritage” of France Télévisions for several years and a fine connoisseur of European crowned heads, Stéphane Bern has always been very discreet about his private life. But for almost four years, he has not hidden his love affair with Yori Bailleres, a forty-year-old businessman whom he met through mutual friends. Pascés, the two men live today far from Paris, in a sumptuous building located in the village of Thiron-Gardais, near Nogent-le-Rotrou, in Perche. And their twenty years apart are not an obstacle to their development, as he explained in the Portrait of the week of 50mn InsideSaturday May 25.

Before Yori Bailleres, Stéphane Bern had “gave up being in love”

Questioned by Isabelle Ithurburu about outside views on their relationship, Stéphane Bern confided with humor that he did not feel any judgment on this subject, in particular because Yori Bailleres “has white hair”. More seriously, the host explains that he doesn’t really feel this age difference, since he has “feeling like a kid” who has “twenty years in his head”. “He brings me a lot, I try to bring him too… We get along really well”, he added. This relationship is today seen as “a chance” for Stéphane Bern, who did not hide that, when he began to “approaching the shores of fifty”he had “gave up being in love”. “Afterwards, love falls on your head, or on your heart, and you can’t do anything about it”he assures.

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Stéphane Bern in love at the age of 50: “We tell ourselves that life offers us bonuses”

Yori Bailleres therefore arrived at the right time in the life of Stéphane Bern who assures that finding love again when we have lost hope of no longer knowing it is “even better”. “We tell ourselves that it’s a bonus, that life offers you a bonus”, he confides to Isabelle Ithurburu. A “little bonus” that the host of France 2 savors every day in his haven of peace in Perche, enjoying his garden, his animals, and devoting himself to cooking. “It turns out that I make omelettes very well”he had fun, revealing however that Yori Bailleres sometimes accuses him of “always cook the same thing”. A little confidence which nevertheless suggests a perfect understanding between the two men who share perfect love.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias.



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