Will Ben Affleck leave Jennifer Lopez?

Will Ben Affleck leave Jennifer Lopez?
Will Ben Affleck leave Jennifer Lopez?

CHLOÉ’S OBSESSION – According to a close friend, the actor is convinced that his marriage is doomed to failure. Wait a second, Ben Affleck? Already put an end to his romance with JLo?

Sad look, exasperated expression or apathetic face… Ben Affleck’s exhausted look has been causing hilarity for some time now. We were therefore not alarmed by the disillusioned attitude of the actor, called to order by Jennifer Lopez during the Grammy Awards ceremony, in February 2023. Nor were we worried, when the hero of the Last duel slammed the door of a car behind his partner, visibly annoyed, three months later. We even tended to have fun with it, even if it meant sometimes finding ourselves in the actor’s chronic lack of patience. But here it is: for a few days, we haven’t laughed anymore.

“Moment of madness”

Certainly, some early signs of a conflict caught our attention: the absence of Ben Affleck on the Met Gala red carpet, co-chaired by Jennifer Lopez, for example. Or the Instagram publications on toxic relationships, respectively “liked” by the actor and his wife. The rumors that the actor had moved also bothered us. In mid-May, an anonymous Source revealed to In Touch that the actor had moved. He now resides in the Brentwood neighborhood. JLo would have stayed in their Beverly Hills mansion.

Read also“She can’t control him, and he can’t change her”: Are Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck preparing to divorce?

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We have to admit: the rumors surrounding an alleged separation are turning out to be more and more concrete. This is evidenced by the words of a relative, as transcribed by Page Six , Monday May 20. The latter assures that the actor has “come to his senses” regarding his marriage to Jennifer Lopez. And maintains that, if he could, Ben Affleck would immediately file for divorce for “temporary insanity”. In short, according to him, the actor understood that his marriage, likened to a “feverish dream”, could not work “in any way”. Atmosphere.

Jennifer Garner’s intervention

The icing on the cake was that Ben Affleck appeared without his wedding ring on the set of Mr Wolff 2, Thursday, May 23. He was also not at JLo’s side during the premiere of her film Atlas, three days earlier. And obviously, we’re not alone in finding that suspicious. During a press conference dedicated to the feature film, a reporter questioned the interpreter of Jenny From the Block on his alleged separation. To which she simply replied: “You are better than that.” An exchange during which she also confided feeling, from time to time, as “misunderstood” as her character in Atlas

These tensions in the couple of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez would have started a few months ago. And would be linked to their “very different approaches” to… fame. One being more inclined to preserve his private life, the second preferring to “open his heart to his fans”. So much so that the couple are now undergoing therapy. This crisis situation would even have required the intervention of Jennifer Garner, who would now “encourage” her ex-companion to “work on his relationship” with JLo.

Hellish smiles

The couple tried to reassure their fans the previous week. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez thus attended a play together by Seraphina, the daughter of the actor and Jennifer Garner, organized at her high school, on May 17. Two days later, they also attended an event at JLo and Marc Anthony’s daughter Emme’s school. The singer and Ben Affleck were later photographed, all smiles, in their car, heading to BOA Steakhouse, a steakhouse in Los Angeles.

But the forced smiles of the two actors struggle to convince. Our skepticism reaches its peak when reading an article from TMZ . The tabloid questions the choice of this Los Angeles restaurant, frequented by multiple celebrities and paparazzi. And the magazine pointed out that there was a BOA Steakhouse closer to Emme’s school… in Santa Monica. So, communication operation or real reconciliation?

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The ending of a fairy tale?

We readily admit it: we looked away for a long time. And this, because we wanted to believe in the fairy tale “Bennifer”. The story of a famous couple, who got engaged in 2002, before separating two years later, due to “excessive media attention.” Then to meet again, two decades later, to better celebrate, in 2022, this marriage that they once canceled. In short, we are not (yet) ready to see this myth collapse. Fortunately, certain comments reported in the press are reassuring. In the columns of People , a close friend maintains that the couple always argued about their different ways of “solving their problems”. “But nothing has stopped their love over the years,” he assured. Will the future (so far very dark) prove him right?



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