Piotr, high-flying drone pilot who is a master in the art of sublimating the Aix Sainte-Victoire mountain

Piotr, high-flying drone pilot who is a master in the art of sublimating the Aix Sainte-Victoire mountain
Piotr, high-flying drone pilot who is a master in the art of sublimating the Aix Sainte-Victoire mountain

The most beautiful mountain in the world… Piotr Glabe does not give up and claims it 100%, Sainte-Victoire has something special that other massifs do not have. Its changing colors, red, orange, pink, depending on the seasons, the time, from sunrise to sunset, enchant him every time he goes to her feet to photograph her. If the summer is too hot, and its access is regulated due to the fire risk, the other seasons are much more enchanting, with the mist, the snow, the autumn colors or the arrival of spring, in flowers.

Modern-day Cezanne

Originally from the region, this engineer at Airbus Helicopter specializing in the design of helicopter interiors, has made Sainte-Victoire his muse. A sort of modern-day Cezanne, obsessed with this block of stone which he immortalizes not on canvas but in photos and today by drone.

Piotr’s story begins 10 years ago, with a camera. A hobby that he maintains and that he learns on his own, always eager to find the most beautiful landscape during his vacations, before or after work. He likes to immerse himself, discover new trails, find himself alone, facing nature. “Since I started taking photos, I am much more attentive to everything around me,” he smiled. After five years of photography, and after touring the region, he wanted to move towards something new, more particularly towards drones, offering wider possibilities and more thrills. “In photos, we walk a lot but with the drone, we can easily explore other places inaccessible on foot,” he emphasizes.

He therefore buys a stabilized drone, “a bit by chance and a bit like a lot of people”. He learns how to use it on his own, thanks in particular to tutorials on the internet, blogs and vlogs that he finds here and there. Very quickly, he saw the potential and the possibilities that the machine opened up. “We always look for the perfect composition in photos but we stay at ground level. With the drone, we go higher, except that the stabilized had become too static for me.”



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