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Stéphane Plaza affair, the “persecuted” presenter: Cristina Cordula is “afraid for him”

Stéphane Plaza affair, the “persecuted” presenter: Cristina Cordula is “afraid for him”
Stéphane Plaza affair, the “persecuted” presenter: Cristina Cordula is “afraid for him”

This Tuesday, October 15, 2024, Jordan Deluxe received Cristina Cordula on the set of his show At Jordan’s (C8). And the 59-year-old presenter did not escape a question about Stéphane Plaza, to whom she is close. The opportunity for her to defend the star of Search for apartment or house (M6).

For a year, Stéphane Plaza has been more discreet in view of the affair he is the subject of and his psychological state. A situation that greatly saddens Cristina Cordula. “He’s a friend, I love him. She is a great person, extraordinary, generous, kind. (…) I am really very sad about everything that is happening. If he doesn’t go to Les Grosses Têtes anymore, it’s because I don’t think he’s in the mood for that anymore. That affects him a lot. I find that deplorable in relation to the media. What he is experiencing is harassment. Let him defend himself in court. (…) I think he is persecuted. It must be very hard psychologically to go through this“, she confided at first.

Cristina Cordula then explained that she had not seen him since May 9. Date on which they went to Taylor Swift’s concert, with Jeanfi Janssens, in . However, the two friends continue to exchange a few messages. “He is very sad. I’m afraid for him. It’s horrible what’s happening. You can destroy someone’s life psychologically because of that. It’s very serious. (…) Accused people have the right to be tried. The media needs to stop harassing these people. People start to believe it afterwards in the street, people start to attack you“, continued the wife of Frédéric Cassin. Then, she let Stéphane Plaza know that she loved him and expressed her support. “I’m sure you’ll get through this“, she concluded.

Stéphane Plaza soon to be judged

In October 2023, Médiapart revealed that three of his former partners accused him of domestic violence and that two of them filed a complaint. A few months later, in March, he was summoned by the police and placed in police custody for two days and two nights at the central police station in Paris. While he was to be tried by the Paris Criminal Court on August 28, the man who has always denied the facts of which he is accused was absent in court, with a medical certificate to back it up. “Although he wanted to be present, we had to prioritize preserving his mental health“, explained one of his lawyers, Me Hélène Plumet, contacted by AFP.

According to her, her “clinical psychologist“his a”strongly discouraged“to go to court”given the risk of psychological decompensation linked to media pressure and the harassment and attempted blackmail that he recently suffered“. The trial was therefore postponed until January 9, 2025. The court ordered that he be present at the referral hearing and requested a psychiatric second opinion to assess his state of health. The expert appointed by the court will have to submit its report on December 18.

Stéphane Plaza remains presumed innocent of the facts with which he is accused until the judgment of this case.



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