“Outside, the weather is beautiful… alas!”: Patrick Sébastien, occult male

“Outside, the weather is beautiful… alas!”: Patrick Sébastien, occult male
“Outside, the weather is beautiful… alas!”: Patrick Sébastien, occult male

Patrick Sébastien has done little cinema: his career as a director is limited to one film, the indescribable T’aime, and as an actor, we have seen him more on the small screen (in productions generally written by him -same) as on the big one. In theaters, its last appearance dates back to the year of Our Lord 1997 with the release of Four Boys Full of Future – a cult film for the handful of people who saw it, but totally unknown for the rest of the population .

There is no doubt that if he had found extremely wealthy and/or unconscious producers along the way, Patoche would have directed (or at least written) more feature films, he whose brain never stops. Patrick Sébastien has a thousand ideas a second, most of them born when he comes home from a show, alone at the wheel. Yes, we have already said it elsewhere in this series, but he does not hesitate to mention it in the vast majority of his books. To rambling, rambling and a half.

In Outside, it’s beautiful… alas!, we say several times that by refusing to open its doors to it, the world of seventh art has really lost something. After reading this book dating from 2010, the conclusion is clear: Patrick is the missing link between Claude Lelouch and M. Night Shyamalan. But after all, why compare: he is above all himself. Unique and incomparable.

The father under the wig

Written as a sequel to Are you calling me when I arrive?, the book dedicated to the death of his mother, this book does not deviate from any rule: Patrick Sébastien essentially talks about himself, brings in his late mother on each page or almost through an often heavy imaginary dialogue, allows himself digressions on social subjects and considerations on the fact that life and were better before… However, in comparison with his last books in date, from I…

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