his cash response to those who confine Michel Blanc to his role of Jean-Claude Dusse

his cash response to those who confine Michel Blanc to his role of Jean-Claude Dusse
his cash response to those who confine Michel Blanc to his role of Jean-Claude Dusse

The death of Michel Blanc, which occurred on the night of Thursday October 3 to Friday October 5, was followed bya shower of tributes from big names in cinema and French personalities. The actors of the Splendid troupe, in which he began his career, published a joint message. Marie-Anne Chazel, who was unable to speak about the death of the actor in Looking forward to Sundayeven dedicated a play to him.

As for the French, many of them grew up with Michel Blancwho became famous for playing the character of Jean-Claude Dusse in the saga The Bronzed. Moreover, the actor had difficulty breaking away from this role in the rest of his career. According to Michel Druckerit would however be simplistic to reduce Michel Blanc to his character of Jean-Claude Dusse.

Michel Drucker pays tribute to Michel Blanc on 2

Michel Drucker is certainly the host who was the most upset by the death of Michel Blanc. The Tuesday before the death of the actorthe presenter of Looking forward to Sunday recorded an interview with Marie-Anne Chazel. Yesterday, Michel Drucker spoke about this coincidence in the 1 p.m. from France 2. “Look how premonitory this is…”he confided.

In the same interview, Michel Drucker also made a point of reminding us that Michel Blanc cannot be reduced to his character of Jean-Claude Dusse. “He was very respected in the profession, very esteemed by the profession. Michel Blanc was very different from the others, very different from his friends at Splendid”emphasized the host of France 2.

Michel Drucker reveals little-known details about the personality of Michel Blanc

Of course, Michel Drucker did not deny that Michel Blanc was become a legend for his role as Jean-Claude Dusse. Moreover, the actor himself admitted that this humorous character stuck to his skin throughout his career. But Michel Blanc has also diversified, even becoming director in 1984 with the release of Walk in the shadow.

Moreover, the actor did not particularly appreciate the character of Jean-Claude Dusse. Lest he be forever associated with this role, Michel Blanc has long tried to get rid of it. The filmmaker had, for example, refused to go to the 40th anniversary of Tannedin 2020.

Michel Drucker also recalled some little-known aspects of the actor’s personality. The host of the show Looking forward to Sunday remembers a man “touching, who loved music, who was both a loner and not a loner”. This Michel Drucker interview adds to the numerous tributes paid by cinema and media personalities to Michel Blanc.



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