Singer Eva speaks about her feat with Damso: “He saw my artistic distress”

Singer Eva speaks about her feat with Damso: “He saw my artistic distress”
Singer Eva speaks about her feat with Damso: “He saw my artistic distress”

Singer Eva, aged 23, released her fourth album “Page blanche” on May 3. Invited on the set of Quotidien, the artist explained that having started her career at 17, an image quickly stuck to her. Today she wants to get rid of it and start with a “blank slate”.

The album is produced with rapper Damso, who also shares a title with the singer. Entitled “Du feu”, this piece was proposed by Eva who explains: “I was in a period of research where I felt very alone and I no longer knew how to produce my music, how to move forward. I always had this passion for music but ultimately how could I evolve? How to change ? How to take charge and become who I really want to be. It was very complicated for me, I went to the studio but I didn’t really have any confidence in myself anymore. Finally I said to myself ‘maybe I need to stop’. One evening, I was in the studio, things weren’t going too well. I went home and said to myself ‘I have to contact Damso’. I don’t know why I had this impulse, I just told myself that at worst he wasn’t going to answer me, he was going to tell me that he was busy, I have nothing to lose by testing.

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Eva’s contact bore fruit since an artistic meeting then took place. She describes it: “At first he just asked me questions, he was intrigued. Little by little he became intrigued, he saw my artistic distress. He also saw, I think, my talent and how to be able to exploit it, that’s what he told me. He helped me a lot but without imposing his vision on me. He always respected my vision and he was very clear about that with all the teams in the studio.



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