Stéphane Bern’s acting performance scratched by a TF1 star: “When I saw him play a cop…”

Stéphane Bern’s acting performance scratched by a TF1 star: “When I saw him play a cop…”
Stéphane Bern’s acting performance scratched by a TF1 star: “When I saw him play a cop…”

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Stéphane Bern is known as an animator. He thus presents History Secrets since 2007, hosts the Eurovision contest and controls the program Historically yoursbroadcast on Europe 1. The man who was named Monsieur Patrimoine by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron is also a history buff. But some time ago, he took viewers by surprise by appearing in a role that was unexpected to say the least!

In 2019, 3 launched a brand new series called Murders in Lorraine. The story is as follows: a woman is found dead and Lieutenant Nicolas Muller is tasked with investigating the case. But one thing led to another and the most likely path led him to the crystal factory managed by his family. This is how his own father and his own sister are suspected of murder! And this famous lieutenant Nicolas Muller is played by Stéphane Bern!

Nicolas Canteloup attacks Stéphane Bern, who recently became an actor

A role in which no one expected him… And which is not unanimous! Indeed, Nicolas Canteloup was invited to the set of Daily last September 23. Asked about a possible career as an actor, he replied while not failing to tackle Stéphane Bern in passing: “I have always said that I believe in the heart of the business. Just because you’re just about okay on stage doesn’t mean you’re necessarily a good actor. (…) Then, as I got older, I said to myself that maybe it wouldn’t be stupid. I saw Stéphane Bern play a copI said to myself: ‘Yeah, why not…’ We can be without complexes, perhaps. You have to find the right story, the right character.

Stéphane Bern facing criticism: he had anticipated the remarks

By taking on the main role of Murders in Lorraine, Yori Bailleres’ companion knew what to expect. Already in 2018, even before the broadcast of the first episode of the series, he had confided in Tele-Leisure on the remarks of which he had been the target. “Actor friends, whose names I will not mention, asked me, ironically: ‘Oh yes? In this case, I’m going to host a radio show. Of course my presence in this fiction will disturb“, he declared. Six years later, nothing seems to have changed.

And yet, Stéphane Bern is very good in his role and the series has great audiences!



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