“It’s OK” but “we’ve given up” on treatments: Florent Pagny speaks frankly about the progress of his cancer

“It’s OK” but “we’ve given up” on treatments: Florent Pagny speaks frankly about the progress of his cancer
“It’s OK” but “we’ve given up” on treatments: Florent Pagny speaks frankly about the progress of his cancer

This summer, after a year of silence, Florent Pagny gave some news to his fans. My hair has grown back, my belly too, a sign of good health! “, smiled the 63-year-old singer in a video where he appeared in good shape. “ Over the past year, I have had 4 check-ups which are good and stable. ” he explained. But he knows that he must not “claim victory”, he who has been affected by two repeat offences.

On September 24, he will be the guest of Laurent Karila’s podcast Addiktion (.tv). Some colleagues were able to listen to the interview in preview and deliver some excerpts.

The podcast begins logically with the latest news on the singer’s state of health and the progress of his lung cancer. My health is fine “, he assures. He then specifies that he no longer follows ” of treatment “even more immunotherapy.” We realized one day that it wasn’t working, there were relapses, we gave up. ” he explains.

When you are affected by this disease that we call the crab because it clings, it comes back without stopping, even if for a moment the treatments do their job well, it has a tendency to come back. For me, it came back twice after the first, so that makes three times “, he continues, explaining that he now relies on plants and Chinese medicine. Even if he continues to go to his regular check-ups, once a quarter.

Back on TV and soon on stage

In a few weeks, the filming of the blind auditions of “The Voice” will begin. For this next season, Florent Pagny resumes his place as dean in the famous red chair. He will be alongside Vianney, and two new recruits: Zaz and Patricia Kaas.

After the missed date of his 60th birthday tour, cancelled after the announcement of his cancer in 2022, Florent Pagny will return to the stage in 2026 for his 65th birthday.



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