Cyril Féraud arrives in TLMVPSP: this promise made to Jean-Luc Reichmann


Nagui, Laurence Boccolini, Jarry… Jean-Luc Reichmann has seen many competitors. At the helm of the midday shows on TF1 for several decades, the host of 12 Midday Shots now faces Cyril Féraud at the presentation of Everyone wants to take his place on France 2. As his big premiere approaches, the face of France Télévisions spoke about his relationship with the actor from Leo Mattei. Evoking a “mutual respect for each other’s work”he explains in the columns of Puremedias : “We don’t know each other very well. In fact, Jean-Luc and I have only met 3 or 4 times.”

“Les 12 Coups and Tout le monde veut prendre sa place are two shows that have been coexisting for years, a bit like two neighbors on the same landing,” he continues. Far from overshadowing each other, “Jean-Luc explained that everyone is in their own swimming lane, and I think he’s right.”recalls the producer who shares this opinion.

Cyril Féraud discusses the changes in TLMVPSP

Cyril Féraud notes that if “Every show has its loyal and unconditional fans”There is “many viewers who, during the duration of the programs, switch from one to the other, during the commercial of one, during the commercial of the other…”. “It is also a surprise to me to see the movements of viewers who go from one show to another during their broadcast”recognizes the former host of Slam.

As to whether he spoke with Jean-Luc Reichmann before his arrival at the same time slot, he said: “We promised each other lunch or dinner when we got back.” In addition to hosting the show, Cyril Féraud became the co-producer of TLMVPSP. It was therefore natural that he brought “[sa] patte”: “It’s not: ‘We erase everything and start again’. It’s really to continue in the momentum of what had been done and bring my desires, the colors that I wanted to bring and do a facelift of the dressing in particular, and a total change of the decor of which we are really very proud”. He then rejoices in the “new decor that is almost worthy of a prime time”.


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