DayFR Euro

The two French players, accused of rape, have returned to France

The discreet exfiltration of the players upon their arrival was expected. It was therefore no surprise that the press gathered at Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport to welcome them in the hope of obtaining images and an initial reaction, learned through their lawyer, Me Antoine Vey, that rugby players Oscar Jégou and Hugo Auradou had indeed arrived in France. The two players were not seen in the terminal, but their plane from Buenos Aires landed on Wednesday late afternoon.

>> Auradou-Jegou affair: LIVE news

Charged with aggravated rape in Argentina, alleged acts which occurred on the night of July 6 to 7 in Mendoza, the two French rugby players were authorized by the Argentine justice system to return to France under certain conditions and will have to remain at the disposal of the justice system until the investigation is completed, which should not be long, with the final elements of the investigation due to be added to the file in the coming days.

Placed in detention after their arrest for just over a week, Oscar Jegou and Hugo Auradou were then placed under house arrest with electronic tags, then released a month later, on August 12, with a ban on leaving Argentina. They were then given the green light to leave Argentina. A request for dismissal filed by the entourage of the two players is to be examined next week, probably Wednesday.

The 39-year-old woman who accuses the two players of rape and violence maintains her version of events, particularly regarding the cruelty of the abuse she allegedly suffered in the two players’ hotel room, which already appeared in her story as soon as the complaint was filed. “They brutalized me and treated me like a piece of meat,” she assures in an excerpt of an interview for the show Special Envoy which is due to air on September 12.

The two players, for their part, have denied violence from the beginning and mentioned consensual sexual relations. A version of events that has gained weight in the eyes of the magistrates while the complainant’s story has been undermined by the numerous inconsistencies and gray areas revealed by the latest elements added to the file.

- RMC Sport


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