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The place of real estate: Rental, how to encourage private landlords?

Stevan Briand, in charge of the real estate division of Netinvestissement, was Lorraine Goumot’s guest on Tout pourinvestisseur, this Thursday, August 29. They made a comparison between two French cities Montpellier and Nantes, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Angelina Medar, Marketing Manager at Ezviz, was Lorraine Goumot’s guest on Tout pourinvestisseur, this Wednesday, August 28. She talked about the latest innovations in video surveillance and how to use them, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Julie Bachet, Managing Director at Vousfinancer, was Lorraine Goumot’s guest on Tout pourinvestisseur, this Tuesday, August 27. She talks about the indicators that you need to master if you have a real estate project this September, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Norbert Fanchon, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Groupe Gambetta, was Lorraine Goumot’s guest on Tout pourinvestisseur, this Monday, August 26. He takes stock of the state of the new real estate market, which is rather resilient, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Stevan Briand, in charge of the real estate division at Netinvestissement, and Marie Coeurderoy, journalist at BFM Business, were Lorraine Goumot’s guests on Tout pourinvestisseur, this Thursday, July 18. They looked at the differences and similarities between the tourist attractions of Hyères and Pau, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Pierre-Emmanuel Jus, Maslow’s deputy director, was Lorraine Goumot’s guest on Tout pourinvestisseur, this Wednesday, July 17. He deciphered the contexts surrounding the tense zone, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Jean Anselyn, director of Barnes Bassin d’Arcachon, was Lorraine Goumot’s guest on Tout pourinvestisseur, this Tuesday, July 16. He looked at the profile of Arcachon’s customers and the evolution of prices in the region in response to demand, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Amaury de Calonne, President of Monetivia, and Marie Coeurderoy, BFM Business journalist, were Lorraine Goumot’s guests on Tout pourinvestisseur, this Monday, July 15. They took stock of the real estate market, in particular the collapse of the new construction market, the drop in prices in old properties and future prospects, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Thursday, July 11, the wave of decreases in real estate interest rates, a sign that the markets are reassured despite the political turmoil, was discussed by Marie Coeurderoy, BFM Business journalist, and Alexandre Fitussi, president of Beanstock, in La place de l’immo in the program Tout pourinvestir presented by Lorraine Goumot on BFM Business. Find the BFM Patrimoine program from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.


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