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The Pitch: Gamel Helmets, the helmet with indicators

This Friday, August 30, Julien Delamorte, founder of HandSom, Jean-Louis Constanza, co-founder of Wandercraft, Bathilde Lorenzetti, vice-president of Paris La Défense Arena, Gilbert Cette, president of the Pensions Orientation Council, Stéphanie Villers, economist and economic advisor at PwC France, and Eric Heyer, director of the analysis and forecasting department at OFCE, were guests on the Good Morning Business show on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Stéphanie Villers, economist and economic advisor at PwC France, and Eric Heyer, director of the analysis and forecasting department at OFCE, were Laure Closier’s guests in Le Duel de l’Eco on the Good Morning Business show, this Friday, August 30. They debated the feeling of downgrading of immigrants, controlling inflation and reopening the issue of the retirement system, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Gilbert Cette, President of the Pensions Advisory Council, was Laure Closier’s guest on Good Morning Business, this Friday, August 30. He discussed the pension system and ways to finance pensions, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Friday, August 30, François Bayrou’s call to review the pension reform and the proposal to increase employer contributions were discussed by Raphaël Legendre in his column, in the show Good Morning Business, presented by Laure Closier, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Bathilde Lorenzetti, Vice President of Paris La Défense Arena, was Laure Closier’s guest on Good Morning Business, this Friday, August 30. They looked at the Paris La Défense Arena’s program of activities and concerts for the Paralympic Games, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Friday, August 30, the state of inflation was discussed by Jean-Marc Daniel and Nicolas Doze in their column, in the show Good Morning Business, presented by Laure Closier, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Friday, August 30, the presidential campaign in the United States, in particular the methods used by pro-Trump on social networks using stolen and unauthorized attractive photos, was discussed by Caroline Loyer in her column on the show Good Morning Business, presented by Laure Closier, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

This Friday, August 30, the debate on the opportunity to revisit the pension reform was addressed by Raphaël Legendre in his editorial, in the show Good Morning Business, presented by Laure Closier, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.

Jean-Louis Constanza, co-founder of Wandercraft, was Laure Closier’s guest on Good Morning Business, this Friday, August 30. They discussed the hopes that Wandercraft, an exoskeleton manufacturer, is sowing for paraplegics, especially after its collaboration with the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Friday and listen to it again as a podcast.


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