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“This money is mine”: a waitress calls out a customer who stole his tip

A mother of six who works as a waitress in a North Dakota restaurant was stunned when someone allegedly stole her tip from customers.

Baker was on duty Saturday at Perkins restaurant in Fargo when she surprised a man who had just entered the establishment collecting the tip left on a table.

“I watched him do that while I was on the computer and I was like, ‘Oh my God!’ Ms. Baker told Valley News Live, admitting she didn’t know what to do at the time, according to the “New York Post.”

The suspect went around the other tables probably looking for some tip left by customers, said the waitress in a video shared on the TikTok platform, admitting to having hesitated to make a scene to ask for his money.


“I just wanted to tell you that I noticed that you took some money from this table and that money is mine […] It’s my tip,” she called out to the customer who ended up handing her a few bills while jabbering a few inaudible words.

“He gave me $2 back. There was certainly a $5 bill and others, so I don’t have the impression that he gave me back the entire amount,” said Ms. Baker, adding that the indelicate customer who tried for leaving without paying his bill did not tip.



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