François Hollande rejects a “single left-wing candidacy” for the 2027 presidential election
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François Hollande rejects a “single left-wing candidacy” for the 2027 presidential election

IThere would be La France Insoumise on one side and the rest of the left on the other. Insisting on the duality of left-wing political groups, François Hollande declared this Sunday, September 15, on the RTL Grand Jury-The Figaro-Public Sénat-M6, that there were “two lefts in France”. The former President of the Republic assured that he had “never been in favor of a single left-wing candidate” for the presidential election.

The former head of state, now a member of parliament, assured that “there are two lefts in France, there is a radical left that existed even before the Communist Party, then with the Communist Party, then today with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, then perhaps tomorrow with others.” He specified that “there is a reformist left that must be the first.”

No “single candidate of the left”, especially not Mélenchon

Therefore, “we cannot imagine that Jean-Luc Mélenchon is the sole candidate of the left”, and a candidate will be needed who is “socialist or close to the Socialist Party”, with the will to address “all French people to be in the majority”. “I have never been in favour of a single candidacy on the left. Moreover, the only two left-wing presidents of the Republic who have been elected were elected with a plurality of candidacies”, both François Mitterrand and himself, he stressed.

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