What date for the start-up with the drop in temperatures?
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What date for the start-up with the drop in temperatures?

Summer has not officially come to an end, and temperatures are already similar to those of December, depending on the region. Sweaters, jackets and blankets are out to fight the urge to turn on the heating in September or to wait until the collective heating is turned on. Indeed, in a building, the collective heating is not activated at the whim of individual tenants and owners, but at that of the condominium trustees.

According to the website Tout sur mes finances, in 2024, the central heating should be put back into service around October 15. The precise date is however established in the condominium regulations or by a vote of the co-owners in a general meeting. Note that the duration of the start-up of the collective heating varies according to the geographical location of the buildings and their exposure. As for its shutdown, it should occur around April 15, 2025, more or less like every year.

However, there is no law requiring condominiums and trustees to respect these dates. It all depends on the region, the climate and the quality of the insulation of the buildings. In fact, starting and stopping the central heating may not be the same for Béziers and Dunkirk. However, if the temperatures prove difficult to bear in certain apartments, a co-owner or tenant can quite ask to start or stop the collective boiler earlier or later than planned.

On two conditions (…)

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