Man Apologizes, Refunds Candy Stolen as Child
DayFR Euro

Man Apologizes, Refunds Candy Stolen as Child

Belated remorse – The owner of a bar-tabac in Uzès received a surprising anonymous letter from a (very) former candy thief eaten up by remorse

Peace of mind. On Friday, the owner of the bar-tabac “Le Provençal” in Uzès, in the Gard, had a very strange anonymous letter delivered by the postman. And if this type of letter tends to worry, this one contained nothing malicious, on the contrary. In a few lines typed on a banal A4 sheet, a man expressed regret for a small crime committed no doubt decades earlier.

The bar owner shared this rather unusual story on his Instagram account. He posted a photo of the letter he received on Friday: “I am writing this letter to apologize and make amends for a mistake I made when I was a child,” the sender wrote. He reminded the owner of this “mistake,” who certainly didn’t remember it, or who probably didn’t even notice it: “When I was a little boy, I stole a handful of sweets from your tobacco shop.”

“A little honesty in this world”

And the anonymous ex-petty thief didn’t stop there, since he added a 50 euro note to his note to “reimburse” the damage. Even taking into account inflation and adding interest to the amount owed over a few decades, we can still estimate that the po(…) - 20minutes

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