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Although its installation is obligatory, the Linky meter is still not unanimously accepted by the French. Many of us continue to be wary of the system. The case of a resident of the Loire could precisely reinforce mistrust about its use. If you hear this particular noise, you should be wary!
The Linky meter between advantages and disadvantages
The Linky meter has been the subject of numerous controversies since its appearance. For some, it is the ultimate device for monitoring energy consumption French homes. It also allows real-time monitoring of electricity expenses in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. An advantage that many households do not really take advantage of!
Indeed, many French people complain of not not having seen a significant difference on their electricity bill. Using the Linky meter would even be synonymous with complications for some households! Enough to push them to refuse the installation of the latter or to request its removal from their house. And that’s without mentioning the other criticisms of the device.
As a reminder, the Linky meter was pointed out for its environmental and health impact French people. Its detractors denounce the emissions of electromagnetic waves which could be sources of health problems. Although the facts have not yet been proven, a resident of the Loire has managed to win his case against this system in court!
To have
Linky meter: this unknown setting allows you to make huge savings legally
A case that could change everything!
The Anses report in 2017 indicated that the Linky meter was safe for users. This is also what reassured certain households and encouraged its installation. The study revealed at the time that the device emits the same quantity of waves as a charger, for example. Unfortunately, it seems that this analysis is not necessarily true! Or at least, not for everyone. The proof: the story of Joseph Cascinaresident of the Loire.
This man is one of the users of the Linky meter. But since the installation of this device, the latter declares hearing a constant whistling noise in his head. Faced with such inconvenience, the man decides to consult professionals and the verdict ends up falling! Indeed, the latter would suffer from an unusual disorder.
This is theelectromagnetic hypersensitivity or EHS. This particularity only occurs in 5% of French people. People who suffer from it strongly feel the effects of electromagnetic waves. And that of course includes those that the Linky meter gives off!
What is the verdict for the Linky meter?
This user of the Linky meter won his case in court concerning the effects of the device. A procedure which, however, lasted 3 long years! Despite everything, this opens possibilities for other users who may experience the same negative effects. In case of wheezing, repeated headaches or even difficulty concentrating, you should be careful!
As a reminder, refusing to install the Linky meter can cost 49.80 euros per year in penalties. However, it remains to be seen whether the case of Joseph Cascina will allow other households to escape this.
To have
After the smoke detector and the Linky meter, this new device will become obligatory in your home
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