Military service to return in Serbia soon
DayFR Euro

Military service to return in Serbia soon

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić proposed the return of compulsory military service in Serbia on Saturday. A proposal immediately followed by the government and which should quickly see the return of this institution in the country.

With our correspondent in Belgrade, Laurent Rouy

It is in the name of a strong Serbian army; and to defend the country against those who threaten it, he says, that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced this Saturday that he had given his agreement to the return of conscription inSerbia.

The government followed suit the same day, and a new law should be adopted in less than a week. There is no doubt that the project will see the light of day.

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In 2025, young Serbs should therefore undergo two and a half months of military training, compulsory for men and based on volunteering for women.

Arms race in the region

Furthermore, Serbia has several times placed its army on alert on the border with Kosovo, a country which itself is seeking to establish a professional army, and with which diplomatic relations are execrable.



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