Kantar this evening released the brands’ performances for P12 of the year. Performances that I reveal in preview. And beyond the usual progression of a majority of brands (due to the changes underway and the disappearance of the Casino/Cora hypermarkets and the Casino superstores), the main lesson is to be sought from Leclerc. The brand borders on correctional with a modest +0.1 pt. Suffice to say that we are getting closer to the thickness of the line, especially compared to the +1.7 pt of the Carrefour hypermarkets. But Leclerc’s fate is still enviable… Over two years, the brand “scores” a +1.6 pt, which shows the level of history that had to be revisited: enormous! This is why if Leclerc was very close to going to the bad side this month, everyone else still dreams of Leclerc’s fate ????.
The others precisely… Intermarché and Carrefour therefore benefit from their takeovers, nevertheless with additional internal dynamics for Les Mousquetaires. Cooperative U, on the other hand, can still boast of growth without (or almost) no stock effect: +0.4 pt, that’s not nothing. Conversely, Auchan hypermarkets still cause concern. Despite the ex-Casino Hyper Fees, the growth is certainly there but very weak: + 0.1 pt. We need to move up a gear in the short term, in any case before next summer when the (positive) park effect will no longer come into play.
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