Germany is the main land of automobiles in Europe, and it is on the combustion engine that it has built its entire reputation. Are the Germans ready to accept this major change, which should be confirmed (or refuted…) in 2026 when the review closes on the end of the thermal engine from 2035? A recent study by Deloitte shows that the situation is much more complex than one might imagine. Nuance is indeed required when discussing the opinion of the Germans on the end of the thermal engine in 2035 in Europe. They would be as numerous to be in favor of this measure as to be opposed to it.
Seniors don’t want it
40% of respondents support the EU decision and 36% are opposed to the end of thermal energy. The rest does not speak out and does not know how to make up its mind on a very thorny subject. But as in France, it is especially seniors who are the most resistant to change: 56% of 55/64 year olds are unfavorable about the end of the combustion engine in 2035. This is the most reluctant age category. HAS conversely, 57% of 18/34 year olds are for the end of thermal! A total reversal: the youngest are not bothered by 2035, and young retirees, some of whom will be over 70 at that time, do not look favorably on the deadline set by Europe. The share of “neutral” opinions is constant across all age categories.
Les boomers anti VE ?
The Deloitte study therefore matches the figures put forward by EDF’s major dossier: electric vehicles appeal more easily to young people. A paradox, since they are also those who have the lowest purchasing budgets, not necessarily matching the average price of electric cars, often 20 to 30% higher than those of an equivalent thermal car. Today it is enough to note the gap between a Clio and an R5 which, if they are not exactly similar in terms of volumes on board, are in the mind of the general public two very similar offers: two city cars. There obviously remains the second-hand market for younger people who would be attracted by electric mobility with increasingly frequent deals. As electric vehicles evolve very quickly, their prices sometimes melt like snow in the sun second hand.
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