Published on December 16, 2024 at 10:31. / Modified on December 16, 2024 at 1:21 p.m.
8 mins. reading
Updating your skills is becoming ever more important in light of increasing digitalization and staff shortages. But in practice, there is a lack of time and resources in terms of continuing training. Our dedicated file
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“You have to train throughout your life”: this phrase has become a cliché and no one will dare to challenge this principle in 2024. And yet, in practice, the challenges are numerous and further exacerbated by staff shortages. In SMEs, with smaller workforces and finances, these problems are further reinforced.
If there is no miracle recipe, a certain breeding ground can nevertheless promote the continuing training of employees of Swiss SMEs. Two complementary profiles, Caroline Meier Quevedo, director of the French-speaking secretariat of the Swiss Federation for Continuing Education, an umbrella organization, and Laurence Quennoz, general director of the family SME Evéquoz, 140 employees and active in construction, responded together to the Temps to describe their reality and try to find solutions. Because political commitment on these issues, they both believe, is insufficient today.
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