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Libo Zhang proposed to succeed Bettina Gerharz-Kalte on Gurit board of directors

A change will take place within the Gurit board of directors at the general meeting of April 15, 2025. Director Bettina Gerharz-Kalte will then renounce seeking a new mandate, citing personal reasons. To succeed him, the supervisory body of the St. Gallen manufacturer of composite materials is proposing to elect Libo Zhang.

Ms. Gerharz-Kalte joined the Gurit board of directors in April 2019, joining the nomination and remuneration committee shortly after, the Wattwil-based company said on Monday. A German national and holder of a doctorate in economics from Georg-August University, Ms. Zhang currently sits on the supervisory bodies of the St. Gallen vacuum pump manufacturer VAT Group and the Geneva specialist in current sensors and of voltage Lem Holding, among others.

During her career, Libo Zhang has held leadership positions in numerous industries, ranging from aerospace to automotive, chemicals and semiconductors, and has worked to build bridges between the United States- United, Europe and Asia.

The Gurit Board of Directors will also propose at the general meeting to re-elect Nick Huber as a member of the remuneration committee, of which he should assume the chairmanship if he is re-elected. (AWP)



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