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Social Security Budget 2025: the Senate adopts the two-stage revaluation of pensions: News

The Senate approved the two-stage revaluation of retirement pensions on the night of Friday November 22 to Saturday November 23, reports Le Parisien. This amendment to the Social Security budget was negotiated between Michel Barnier and Laurent Wauquiez.

The amendment to the Social Security budget for 2025 introducing the two-stage revaluation of pensions was adopted by the Senate on the night of Friday November 22 to Saturday November 23, reports Le Parisien. A victory for Laurent Wauquiez, who had negotiated this modification after the announcement by Michel Barnier of the delay in the revaluation of all pensions attached to the general system.

Pensions revalued in January then in July

Adopted with 231 votes to 100, this amendment provides that the smallest pensions will be slightly increased on January 1, 2025 at the level of half of inflation. This only concerns basic pensions: retirees receiving a total pension, either basic and supplementary, lower than the minimum wage will see this increased. “a second time at the level of inflation observed on July 1”explains Pascale Gruny, LR senator who defended the measure, to journalists from Le Parisien. A “making up for the shortfall” on the first semester will be carried out at that time.

Complete indexation up to “1,500 euros gross”

The objective: to find a compromise with part of the government bloc. The government's initial proposal postponed the revaluation of pensions for six months, which would have saved 4 billion euros. A measure which many elected officials opposed, including the leader of the Republican Right in the National Assembly Laurent Wauquiez. It was he who negotiated the compromise with Prime Minister Michel Barnier allowing the government to save money while not penalizing retirees too much. The amendment “reduces the expected return by around 500 million”explains Pascale Gruny.

The new version of the text promises complete indexation of pensions up to “1,500 euros gross per month”. For retirees whose pension is slightly above this threshold, an increase “minorée” is planned. Beyond that, you will have to wait a few months. The measure was castigated by the left, which condemns the decline in the purchasing power of retirees.

published on November 23 at 10:32 a.m., Caroline Chambon, 6Medias.



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