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Luxembourg border: “Two weeks to find student accommodation, that’s tough!”

It was two years ago, when she was in second grade at the Lycée Louis-Bertrand, in Briey: the idea of ​​studying physiotherapy sprouted in Leelou’s head. From the first information obtained, it appeared that, in the French curriculum, the young Meurthe-et-Mosellane had to go through the very selective first year of medicine, before focusing exclusively on physiotherapy.

Not easy. And it was then that his mother heard about the “Belgian solution”, at the Haute École Robert Schuman (HERS) in Libramont, precisely. “I knew that foreign students are subject to a draw, but it is less selective, less competitive than in France. So I told myself that my daughter could increase her chances. Even if he will have to blend into another environment, and if the price of school fees, 600 euros, is higher than in France,” says Leelou’s mother.

For her part, Leelou, who is taking her general baccalaureate in June, tells herself that wherever she continues her studies, “I won’t know anyone anyway. And then the positive point is that the course lasts four years in Belgium, instead of five in France,” says the 17-year-old, enthusiastic, after taking part in the HERS Open Day organized in April .

The administrative way of the cross

As for the Haute École Libramontoise, the tradition of non-resident students, overwhelmingly French, is well anchored in the physiotherapy sections (between 150 and 200 students per year on average over the last five years) and speech therapy (25 to 75 students per year).

It is administratively that things get complicated for Leelou. “I will receive the results of the baccalaureate on July 8, or even the 11th in the case of a second session, and, by July 15, I must have completed the formalities for equivalence of diploma for Belgium on the ad hoc site, at a cost of 200 euros, and without… being sure of being accepted in the end,” explains the young girl. The timing is tight, and the outcome uncertain. Then comes the registration itself at the HERS, to be completed between August 20, 9 a.m., and August 22, 3 p.m.

But what about the rest of the “operations” and the famous draw imposed on non-resident students? “It is an electronic and centralized draw for all the institutions concerned,” clarifies the HERS communications unit. “Among the eligible students, 30% of the total number of students registered for the first time in the institution the previous year are taken.” “You absolutely have to submit a file that is tied up to perfection,” notes Leelou. “If it is not complete, you are immediately ejected. You also do not have the right to be registered in another institution.”

“Barely two weeks to turn around”

For the 2024/2025 academic year, the draw will take place on August 26, and its results will be published on September 2, just two weeks before the start of the school year, which is set for September 16. “It’s tough,” sighs Leelou. “There are barely two weeks to turn around and find student accommodation in Libramont. With the risk that the choice will then be limited…”.

On the HERS side, to justify this tight deadline, they mention “a circular which sets out to establishments the procedures for registrations and the regulation of the number of students in certain courses”. And the Haute École states that “the supply of accommodation is very large, both in boarding schools and in kots (Editor’s note: room or small studio rented to a student). Listings are available at the HERS secretariat”.

Smiling a little tight, Leelou crosses her fingers. But Meurthe-et-Mosellane has of course already planned for the case where it will not be drawn. “On the French “parcours sup” site, you must confirm a wish before July 11, that is to say well before the Belgian draw. For my part, it will be in Nancy, at the biology faculty. But in this case too, I will have little time to find accommodation and calmly prepare for the start of the school year,” she concludes, with the hope of pursuing a career as a physiotherapist.

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