DayFR Euro

this index allows you to spot them at a glance

Speed ​​camera cars are increasingly common on the roads in France, and there are several distinctive signs to identify them when you come across them.

“Mobile radar cars”, also called radar surveillance vehicles, are occupying an increasing place on the French road network. In recent years, the government has decided to intensify their presence in order to better detect speeding drivers.

While these vehicles were once easily recognizable due to their bright colors, they now blend in more discreetly with the flow of traffic. However, there are still a few distinctive signs that allow you to spot them. First, the models used are generally ordinary cars such as the Peugeot 308, the Dacia Sandero or the Renault Megane. In addition, their license plates have a particular format, although this changes frequently. There are also several websites that list the different plates listed.

However, the most telling clue is in the rear window of these vehicles. In fact, radar cars are equipped with an infrared system which illuminates traffic signs when lighting conditions are insufficient. During the day, this device appears in the form of a black rectangle with gray edges, placed at the top and center of the rear window. At night, tiny red LEDs activate, making the vehicle easily identifiable, even from afar.

Another significant element is that when the LEDs are lit in the dark, this indicates that the vehicle is on a mission and can therefore issue fines for infractions at any time. On the other hand, if the device is off, the car is not in service. These new radar cars, managed by private companies, are particularly formidable. They are capable of detecting speeding in both directions of traffic, whether day or night, by merging with the traffic to take motorists by surprise. Their number is constantly increasing, with a target of 450 vehicles deployed throughout the country.

In addition to fixed and mobile speed cameras, public authorities also rely on other technologies to monitor the speed of road users. This is particularly the case for on-board radars, also called “new generation mobile radars”. These devices are mounted in unmarked vehicles driven by gendarmes or police officers, which allows them to control the speed of motorists over distances of up to several kilometers.

These on-board radars are extremely discreet and effective in detecting speeding, particularly on sections of road with few fixed radars, as well as on alternative routes used by drivers to avoid checks. Although their deployment is currently limited, it is expected to increase in the near future, providing law enforcement with an additional means of enforcing speed limits and improving road safety.


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