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CONIA 2024 recommendations for solid cooperation with Gafam in AI

[DIGITAL Business Africa] – Develop a national strategy for the development of artificial intelligence in Cameroon; set up a national AI coordination body with strong leadership; review and improve legislative and regulatory texts to take into account the introduction of innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence; establish solid cooperation with digital giants such as GAFAM (Google-Apple-Facebook-Amazon-Microsoft) for training and research in AI; or put in place specific legislation aimed at encouraging and supervising startups in the digital field.

These are some of the recommendations made duringes National Consultations on Artificial Intelligence in Cameroon (Conia 2024) ended yesterday, June 26, 2024, at the Hilton Hotel in Yaoundé. For two days, AI experts and professionals met to discuss the theme ” What government policies for better appropriation of AI in Cameroon? ».

At the closing ceremony of these Conia, Dr Raphaël Nlend, technical advisor No. 1 at Minspotel presented the recommendations of these consultations. Digital Business Africa presents all of these recommendations as read by Dr Raphaël NLEND.

Dr Raphaël NLEND

« Madam Minister of Posts and Telecommunications;

Ladies and Gentlemen, members of the Government;

Mr. Secretary General of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications;

Mr. Resident Representative of the International Telecommunications Union for Central Africa and Madagascar;

Mr. Director of the Regional and Multisectoral Office of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO);

Mr. National Director Cameroon of the Bank of Central African States (BEAC);

Ladies and Gentlemen, Directors General;

Gentlemen Technical Advisors;

Ladies and Gentlemen Directors and similar;

Ladies and Gentlemen Experts;

Distinguished guests;

Ladies and gentlemen.

The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications organized from June 25 to 26, 2024 at the Hilton Hotel in Yaoundé, national consultations on artificial intelligence, abbreviated CONIA 2024, on the theme: “ what government policies for better appropriation of artificial intelligence in Cameroon? ». This meeting, which brought together participants from the public sector, the private sector, civil society, academia and international organizations, aimed to discuss the challenges, issues and opportunities linked to the use of artificial intelligence. (IA) in the different sectors of activity in Cameroon and to draw out recommendations. With this in mind, the meetings were organized into three (03) conferences of five (05) presentations each and three (03) round tables, all led by experts from diverse backgrounds.

At the end of the discussions which fuelled these meetings, recommendations were formulated, in terms of artificial intelligence, in the areas relating to:

  • policy, strategies and legislation;
  • awareness raising, training and research;
  • secure infrastructure, data collection and application development;
  • and financing.

Regarding artificial intelligence policies, strategies and legislation, it was suggested:

  • to develop a strategy for the development of artificial intelligence in Cameroon;
  • to establish a national coordination body with strong leadership;
  • to reread and improve legislative and regulatory texts to take into account the introduction of innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence;
  • to put in place specific legislation aimed at encouraging and supervising startups in the digital field;
  • to establish ethical guidelines for the use of AI, ensuring that technologies are developed and used responsibly and fairly;
  • to set up a structure that supports public and private initiatives in the area of ​​artificial intelligence in particular and digital transformation in general;
  • to establish a legal framework favorable to the development of public-private partnerships that provide incentives and integrate the new requirements of the digital economy;
  • to implement strategies to anticipate and support the impact of AI on the labor market;
  • to establish solid cooperation with digital giants such as GAFAM (Google-Apple-Facebook-Amazon-Microsoft) for training and research in AI;
  • to ratify the European Union Convention on Artificial Intelligence;
  • to facilitate collaboration between different players in the AI ​​ecosystem, including companies, universities, research centers, and other government agencies.

Regarding awareness raising, training and research in artificial intelligence, it was recommended:

  • to promote the integration of artificial intelligence into learner training curricula, particularly in digital-related sectors;
  • to raise awareness and strengthen the capacities of State personnel in terms of artificial intelligence;
  • to propose awareness-raising strategies to make public and private sector stakeholders understand the challenges of AI;
  • to offer AI training programs for public and private administration executives;
  • to organize annually a fair of digital technological innovations;
  • to encourage the design and implementation of algorithms adapted to solving local problems;
  • to set up a system encouraging research in the field of ICT and particularly innovation in the field of artificial intelligence;
  • to encourage the acquisition of AI tools to combat fraud and plagiarism in the field of training and research.

Regarding secure infrastructure, data collection and development of AI-related applications, it was recommended:

  • to implement a coherent development approach for infrastructures linked to artificial intelligence;
  • to encourage the collection and security of data;
  • to encourage the development of open-data platforms;
  • to organize sectoral consultations on artificial intelligence with a view to taking into account the specific needs of the targets with particular emphasis on agriculture, health, education, justice, the environment, finance, public administration in general and other sectors with a strong impact on social transformation;
  • to promote the implementation of electronic security systems;
  • to establish a favorable framework for the development and deployment of secure infrastructures such as fiber optic networks and high-performance data centers capable of supporting the development and use of Artificial Intelligence;
  • to promote standardization and interoperability between digital systems in general and between artificial intelligence systems in particular;
  • to advocate for the improvement and increase of energy supply.

Regarding the financial aspect, it was recommended:

  • to promote public-private partnerships in the implementation of endogenous digital solutions using artificial intelligence;
  • to encourage the financing of artificial intelligence initiatives through the use of crowdfunding;
  • to provide public administrations with budget lines dedicated to research and development of innovative technologies in general and artificial intelligence in particular.

In view of the recommendations made during this forum and the importance of their implementation for the development of artificial intelligence in Cameroon, it is suggested to propose a roadmap for the development of a national AI strategy.

Par Digital Business Africa


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