DayFR Euro

the official date to apply has just been announced!

This year, due to an administrative problem, many households did not receive the energy check during the distribution campaign, which lasted throughout the month of April. For this category of people, an online counter will handle their claims in July. The official opening date of this platform has just been announced.

Those forgotten by the energy check are the households that became eligible in 2023, but whose eligibility cannot be determined due to the unavailability of 2022 housing tax data, declared in 2023. More precisely, these are those who have welcomed a new child or suffered a drop in their income in 2022, making their access to the energy check possible. Added to these are certain new graduates who have just obtained their first position, explains the National Energy Mediator

As a reminder, the number 1 criterion for determining eligibility for the energy check is a reference tax income (RFR) which does not exceed 11,000 euros per consumption unit (CU). The first adult in the household represents 1 CU, while the other members over 14 years old count 0.5 CU. Children under 14 years old represent, for their part, 0.3 UA.

Thus, the households concerned can submit their request for dispute from July 4 on the website, announced the National Energy Mediator this Thursday afternoon. “Beneficiaries of the 2024 energy check who have not received it because their situation has changed in 2022 (young people entering the workforce, households with a drop in income or with a new child, for example) will be able to make a claim from July 4 via a dedicated platform,” it specifies on its website.

The deadline for claiming the energy check will be extended to December 31

Remember that you must attach to your request a copy of your identity document, tax number and an energy bill in your name to verify consumption. If the claim is validated, the check will be sent between 1 and two months. It is important to note that the claim deadline will extend to December 31, 2024.

Finally, to succeed in your procedure and receive the famous check as soon as possible, it is advisable to prepare your documents in advance and to carefully check the information entered on the online claim portal. It is also advisable to make your complaint as soon as the site opens, to avoid periods of saturation.


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