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This sector is facing major difficulties – La Nouvelle Tribune

Co-ownership in Morocco is currently going through a series of major challenges, among which the recurring problem of non-payment of union dues particularly stands out. This practice, essential to ensure the operation and maintenance of shared real estate, is often neglected by many co-owners, thus compromising the financial stability of the real estate sector in the country.

Introduced relatively recently by Law 18-00 in 2002, with a revision in 2016, the concept of co-ownership in Morocco faces several obstacles. In addition to legislation that is still lacking regarding the role of trustees and the effective application of regulations, non-payment of contributions remains the main point of friction. This situation, deplored by Dalila Ennaciri, General Director of GESTIS and President of AMCOP, seriously compromises the ability of co-ownerships to ensure adequate maintenance of common areas, thus directly affecting the quality of life of residents and the value of real estate.

The implications of this financial neglect are multiple: they result in a chronic budget deficit which hinders the completion of necessary repair work, the regular maintenance of common areas, as well as security and essential administrative services. This situation not only threatens the sustainability of infrastructure but also tarnishes the image of co-ownership as an effective model of real estate management in Morocco.

Faced with these challenges, Dalila Ennaciri proposes several concrete measures. In particular, it recommends regular communication on the financial situation to co-owners, the systematic sending of reminders and formal notices to late payers, as well as the initiation of legal proceedings to recover unpaid contributions. In addition, it recommends strengthening the legislative framework to include sanctions such as the exclusion of co-owners in default of payment from general meetings, in order to ensure compliance with financial obligations.


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