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SNCF raises awareness of the dangers of level crossings in Saint-Geniès-de-Malgoirès

A cyclist who uses the platform at full speed, a motorist who crosses the level crossing despite the red light flashing, pedestrians who cross the track while the train is stopped at the station, there is no shortage of examples of violations in the Gard. So faced with this resurgence, SNCF Réseau and road safety organized an awareness-raising operation this Monday in Saint-Geniès-de-Malgoirès between Nîmes and Alès. In this village of Gardonnenque, 2,000 vehicles cross the level crossing every day. “Some motorists stop at the level crossing when the train is not there. It’s a quick drop-off for them. Imagine if the barriers close at that moment” plague Alexandre, municipal policeman.

135 euros and four points less

With his orange chasuble and his leaflets, Pierre, from SNCF Réseau, approaches motorists and pedestrians who use the Saint-Geniès-de-Malgoirès level crossing, one of the 116 in Gard. “When the signal is on, you must stop and not force the barriers. A train traveling at 90 km/h takes 800 meters to stop. he warns. In the event of non-compliance, the driver may be fined. The amount of the fine is 135 euros. He also received a penalty of four points on his driving license.

Risky behavior on the docks

Managers of SNCF Réseau and SNCF stations and connections also note risky behavior on the platforms. “We are seeing more and more users using their bikes or scooters on the platforms even though this is prohibited.” he says Pierre, from SNCF Réseau. Move away from the emergency lane or even not staying with your nose glued to your mobile phone screen, these are two other messages conveyed by SNCF stations and connections.

Last year, a 14-year-old girl was killed on a level crossing in Manduel in Gard, after being hit by a train.


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