DayFR Euro

The average income of Swiss households was 6,902 francs in 2022 –

The average household disposable income amounted to 6,902 francs per month in 2022, almost 200 francs more than the previous year. The average gross income was 9927 francs. Consumption has returned to its pre-pandemic level.

In 2022, households spent 4,949 francs per month, or 49.8% of their gross income, on their consumption expenditure, a little more than in 2021, the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) indicated on Tuesday. After all expenses, private households were left with an average amount of 1,546 francs per month, or 15.6% of gross income, to save.

However, not all households were able to save. Households in the lowest income class, with less than 4,723 francs of gross income, for example, often spent more money than they received.

According to the OFS, this is explained in particular by the relatively large share of retired households (64%) in this category. The latter finance part of their expenses via their wealth.

Important differences

However, income varies greatly depending on the composition of the household. Couples with children had an average of 9,921 francs per month over the period 2020 to 2021 while people aged 65 and over living alone had 3,381 francs.

There are also large differences within the same type of household. The wealthiest 20% of people under 65 living alone had an average of 8,028 francs per month while the poorest 20% had to make do with 1,706 francs, more than four times less.

Taxes, the biggest expense

A household’s disposable income corresponds to its gross income after deducting compulsory expenses. It takes into account the income of all members of the household. On average, a household in Switzerland is made up of 2.08 people.

In 2022, compulsory expenses amounted to an average of 3025 per month, or 30.5% of gross income. Taxes represented the largest item with 1,206 francs per month, or 12.2% of gross income. Basic health insurance premiums represented on average nearly 660 francs, or 6.6% of gross income.




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